A strong gossip is making round in the Chennai film circles that Mani Ratnam’s dream project Ponniyin Selvan is called-off. It is also heard that the filmmakers have also informed Vijay, Mahesh Babu, Arya, and Anushka to de-freeze, their dates given for Ponniyin Selvan.This film is a historical movie set in period backdrop and needs crores of rupees.Mahesh was quite happy signing this bilingual with the ace director Mani Ratnam.
A rough estimate says that Ponniyin Selvan needs at least Rs. 100 crores. That is a huge amount and many producers including few corporate groups are not ready to risk on this movie. Also this film lacks commercial elements says the buzz. Hence, no one is willing to spend so much money on it and Mani Ratnam’s previous film Raavan’s result is making them to think twice. As of now, the movie has been shelved.
The project will kick-start, if any of the producers or the corporate houses are willing to invest an amount of 100 crores.
Labels: Mahesh Babu And Mani Ratnam's 'Ponniyin Selvan' shelved. Film news, Mahesh Babu And Mani Ratnam's project stopped, Mahesh Babu Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan called off
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