Music director Anil has passed away on Friday in Hyderabad due to massive heart attack. He was just 33 year old and has suffered from sudden cardiac attack by time they reached the hospital he breathed his last. He had composed music for movies like Gamyam, Ninna Nedu Repu, Sambhavami Yuge Yuge and LBW etc. He also worked on giving different tunes for the movie Kalavar King.
Anil did his Engineering from Vasavi College of Engineering and MBA in Belgium. He started career in music for a music company in Belgium Michelle and has been back into Tollywood after getting trained in few tricks in music. He has launched his own music album with music director Mickey J Meyer. Anil was scheduled to get married in the month of May.
This is a big loss to Telugu film industry as a promising and upcoming music director left us.
We at Tollywoodstarsprofile express our condolences to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.
Labels: film news, gamyam musi director died, gamyam Music director Anil dies of heart attack, Gamyam Music Director Anil No More, Music director Anil dies of heart attack, Music director Anil no more
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