The kind of attention pawan kalyan is grabbing from last few weeks after the disaster of ‘Puli’ looks amazing. This is the first time in the career of Power Star that these many directors, producers and artists are chanting the only name Kalyan Babu. Yes, the speed with which he is accepting the projects viz. Lovely, Jesus Christ, Gabbar Singh, Vishnuvardhan’s movie, VV Vinayak’s movie in coming months makes it a straight point that Power Star is unleashing his real Power for the first time.
Apparently success of these movies will decide where pawan kalyan will stand in the Tollywood’s big list but the cheerful moods set up in Mega compound and in Power Star fans groups is a very rare scene to catch up. If Mega Power Star too catches the momentum, obviously the joy will be doubled.
Apparently success of these movies will decide where pawan kalyan will stand in the Tollywood’s big list but the cheerful moods set up in Mega compound and in Power Star fans groups is a very rare scene to catch up. If Mega Power Star too catches the momentum, obviously the joy will be doubled.
Labels: film news, gabbar singh, jesus christ, lovely, mega compound, Pawan Kalyan, vishnuvardhan movie, vv vinayak movie
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